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10 Must-Have Watercolor Materials for Beginners

24th Oct 2023

Great artists start by being a beginner. 

And if you’re into watercolor painting, you must know what materials you’ll need.

Well, let’s start with these 10 must-have watercolor materials.

While there are a lot of watercolor art supplies to try, you might need to start with the basic ones.

Excited to try your first work of art?

Then, read this watercolor materials for beginners list to help you get started.

What Art Supplies Do I Must Have? 

Here’s a list of watercolor art supplies that every beginner must have:

#1. Watercolor Paint

You’ll need watercolor paint if you’re a beginner in watercolor painting.

Watercolor paint commonly comes in 3 types, which are the following: 

  • Tube – has thick or intense colors
  • Gouache – has an opaque form of color
  • Cake or Pan – has various textures but is blendable with water

You can easily find these types of watercolor materials in your local art stores.

#2. Watercolor Brush

While brushes can be your personal preference, it’s important to note that they have different types and uses, such as the following.

  • Soft bristles – leave fewer brush marks when coloring
  • Stiff bristles – perfect for outlining and drawing crisp lines
  • Soft nylon – perfect for oil-based paints for easier control and stroke

#3. Watercolor Paper

Just like paints and brushes, it’s also essential to know which type of watercolor paper to use when painting.

So, for your reference, here are the three common types of watercolor paper based on texture and manufacturing process:

  • Hot press paper – has a smooth finish
  • Cold press paper – has a slightly bumpy surface
  • Rough paper – has a felt-like texture that enhances color application

Necessary: Choosing your watercolor paper should also include weight or thickness.

Heavier watercolor papers (180 – 640 gsm) are usually preferred by artists, especially when washing or changing color applications.

This is one of the watercolor materials you must pay attention to when buying.

#4. Masking Fluid

If you take your artistic journey seriously, don’t forget to get a masking fluid.

What is a masking fluid used for?

Masking fluid is one of the many professional watercolor materials used by artists to enhance their artwork.

It repels moisture and prevents watercolors, inks, and paint from being absorbed.

Masking fluid is perfect for color layering without worrying about messing up your artwork.

And the good thing is, you can easily remove the fluid from the paper using your finger or a putty rubber.

#5. Masking Tape

It might sound odd, but artists use masking tape to create a clean frame on the watercolor paper.

For some, putting a masking tape at the edge of the paper also keeps it in place while working.

This might be one of the most accessible watercolor materials to find, but is definitely vital for your artwork.

#6. Sponge

Even if you’re a beginner in watercolor painting, using a sponge can help your artwork look like it’s done by a pro.

However, artists suggest using sea sponges to remove excess paint or moisture.

Sea sponges also give beautiful effects, such as highlighting or outlining objects and producing color variations.

#7. Watercolor Palette

When you’re using tube paints, you’ll definitely need a palette.

A palette refers to a piece of material artists use to set out and mix their colors before painting.

Some palette types are handheld while others look like a plate with compartments.

#8. Support, Size, and Ground

Whether a beginner or a pro, you’ll need support, size, and ground to start painting.

These watercolor materials have specific uses in painting, which are the following:

  • Support – refers to the surface/material to apply paint on (i.e. paper, wood, cloth)
  • Size – refers to glue solutions used on supports before painting (i.e. animal skin glue, gelatin, casein, synthetic resin)
  • Ground – also called primer; refers to a layer of solution applied onto the size to cover up some surface grains and other colors

#9. Watercolor Pencil

You may not need this one.

But if you want to enhance your artwork, then watercolor pencils can help do the trick.

Like watercolor paint, this type of pencil has a pigment soluble in water.

However, watercolor pencils produce finer lines than what a brush does.

Still, this art tool is a must-have on your list.

#10. Watercolor Brush Pen

If you want to express your artistic side the modern way, then the watercolor brush pen is for you.

Watercolor brush pens help you create light and airy artwork in a more controlled manner.

Thanks to its innovative design, you can now paint as comfortably as holding a pen.

Not only that, but watercolor brush pens come in a set of colors, too.

And yes, there is no need to worry because watercolor brush pens have odorless, water-based ink pigments that are safe to use.

What’s more, they are definitely refillable!

Where To Find Safe Watercolor Brush Pens

There are a lot of watercolor materials producers out there.

But sometimes, it’s difficult to find manufacturers that offer quality art products in the market.

To help you choose wisely, Kaywin is the best watercolor pen supplier and wholesaler you can find today.

Not only do they offer watercolor brush pens, but the company also has more than 300 variations of color pen products.

Are Kaywin Color Pen Products Safe?

Kaywin strives for excellence by producing human and environment-safe art products.

That being said, Kaywin ensures it meets standard regulations and policies for safety without compromising artistry.

Plus, Kaywin boasts its top-tier standard in domestic and international safety and quality policies, such as the following:

Watercolor Materials for Beginners: Final Thoughts

Whether you or your kid want to jumpstart a hobby in watercolor painting, knowing which supplies are safe and offer the best quality is essential.

That’s because not all art products are safe, especially for children.

Renowned manufacturers like Kaywin are one of the best producers of watercolor materials in the market.

With over 20 years of expertise and reputation, Kaywin is internationally recognized as the leading art supply manufacturer that meets global safety standards without compromising quality.